Sunday, April 20, 2014

Job's for Nurses, Pharmacist & Other Courses.

It is said that if you want to be a hero save one life. But if you want to  save many life be a Nurse. Truly being a Nurse is a very noble job. It’s a great mission in life to share your skills, knowledge and most of all care to other people.

I recently visit a very well know hospital in Metro Manila. I was so impress by the way the nurses handle their patients in the emergency section. They have the smile, very attentive to details and they are very organized.  They seem to be tireless and enjoy their job. I guess there is more to smile about when you know you are helping people.

But sad to say some of them are not being compensated well. In some cases, Nurses are the one paying to the hospital in order to gain experience to work.  I hope this trend would stop and give justice to the hard work our medical professionals has given to us. I hope nurses will not be discourage and just decide to work abroad.

To those who are looking for another job alternative here in the Philippines. Our company is looking for License Nurse, Pharmacist, U.S. RN and other graduates.  We offer competitive salaries, with medical benefits upon hiring. We are looking for USRN too. You can choose from our two sites, one is in Cebu and our Head office is in Taguig, Philippines. This is a BPO company but the good thing is you get to practice your profession and with a good salary.

If you are interested to apply sent your resume to and I will refer you to our HR department. Expect an email or a call from our HR department 2-3 days upon submitting your resume to me.  Please put your course and site preference as subject like this example. USRN-Cebu, Nurse-Taguig, Business Administration-Taguig.

For your questions email me @ Happy Job Hunting.
I hope I can help you or your friends.

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