Sunday, March 23, 2014

Make your money Grow.

From simple savings every month. You might be thinking my money is sleeping in the bank and does not earn a lot. The good thing is you have savings. A lot of people working hard but no savings at the end of the day. First make sure that you have enough saving like six months of your salary. Just in case you decide to take a long vacation, find a new job, emergency, or you lost your job, you have something you can use.

Then after saving, try also investing. This is like making money work for you. Investing is making your money grow more than the inflation every year. If you have extra money, try to get medical insurance, life insurance, mutual funds, stocks etc. Yes you may have medical insurance in your present job but what about during your retirement or when you lost your job. Planning a head can give you more time to prepare. Life insurance, make sure people you left behind, when you’re gone, will have money to use especially if they depend solely in your income. Mutual fund and stock are two instrument for investment for yourself and your family. If you don't know what is mutual fund and stocks, try to consult financial advisors. Some mutual funds have life insurance inclusion also. To me a Mutual fund is the best way to grow your money overtime. But don't invest on mutual fund if you want your money's return in 5 years. I suggest having your money in Mutual fund for 10 years and more. Mutual funds make your money grow more than putting it in your bank plus inflations are covered, base on past mutual funds performance. Be discipline enough to set aside money every month for this investment. Another investment is Pag-ibig. If you want an automatic deduction from your salary every month try also to add more contribution in your pag-ibig fund, if you are in the Philippines. Pag-ibig funds give you good dividend every year. Not only you will have savings, it will earn more interest and it's guaranteed by the Philippine government. So rather than spending your hard earn money, invest and contribute more in pag-ibig for you and your families’ future.  

                                        Sample Pag-ibig contribution and Dividend.

It always good to have money every time you need it or during emergency. No other person can help you better than yourself. Start now and learn in the process. Secure your future and spend your money wisely.

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